Saturday, December 20, 2008
Elli Loves...
-FOOD (any and all varieties...she does prefer homemade squash, but overall she loves to eat...make sure you are not in between she and her bottle as she will knock you down!)
-Patterns: carpet, upholstery, clothing, doesn't matter (she loves to look and touch patterns...especially carpet patterns)
-Her DADDY - he's the coolest person in the whole world; as soon as he walks into a room she lights up and starts smiling and laughing (she especially loves his funny voices)
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - especially the theme song and the Hot Diggity Dog dance (I have officially been inducted into the world of parenting as I've has both of these songs in my head for about a month and a half now...over and over and over and over)
-The Itsy Bitsy Spider - she likes to sing along with this one (and usually tries to be louder than whoever is singing it to her); generally all songs are all right with her
-Our Babysitter's Kids: Grace and Chloe
-Standing, kicking, grabbing, chewing, playing airplane, rolling, sitting up - as long as she's moving she's okay
-Her bug blanket - thanks Grandma and Grandpa Mast...she's loved this silky little blanket since she was about a week old
-Football - she does enjoy watching the occasional football game (she also enjoys her Chicago Bear teether...guess which grandparents that came from??)
-Coldplay Lullabies - it's a sure fire way to get her calmed down and to sleep (thanks Uncle Syd!)
-Her Changing Table - we have some of our funniest times on the changing table...I think it's because we are constantly talking and singing to her when we are changing her
-Baths - she seems to like baths but definitely not the being cold afterward part; she's just recently started trying to swallow all of her bath water
-Tags - it's amazing that she can have the funnest toy in her hand and the thing she goes for above all else is the tag; whoever made the 'taggies' toy line must be a gazillionaire
Other fun things we've been up to:
Elli's always been super ticklish but just recently she's really started laughing hard when being tickled. Greg has the touch...she rolls every time. We'll have to get a video of it and post it.
Going to Greg's basketball games. Elli seems to enjoy watching the boys play...until about halftime of the second game at least.
Grace's preschool Christmas concert. Elli was so great during it. She loves to watch other kids...part of the reason why I think she loves Grace and Chloe so much.
Elli's grandparents have come to babysit which is fun for Elli and also nice for Greg and I to get out. We've had a lot to celebrate lately so we've had some nice dinners out.
Greg and Elli had some daddy/daughter time when school was cancelled last week. I'm so grateful that we all three are off until January 5th! We are going to take advantage of this time together...and play a lot of Rock Band (after about two months of trying to validate purchasing this game for our Wii we finally got it...and it is SO much fun...totally worth it!!!!).
I'll try to get some videos and pictures posted soon. I just wanted to post something so that my sister would get off my back about 'being a bad mom' and not updating our blog. Elli is as cool as ever (actually cooler) and we are having so much fun playing and watching her grow. This Christmas already means so much more. I've been reading Twas the Night Before Christmas and The Shepherd's Christmas to Elli on a pretty regular basis. We are trying to share the true meaning of Christmas with her might be a year or two until she gets it though. :)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Giving Thanks!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Elli's Big Adventures!
Elli had a busy day today. She and Greg went to Daddy Boot Camp, which is a class for expecting fathers put on by our hospital. Greg went before Elli was born and got a lot out of it. They ask 'veteran' dads to come in with their child and impart wisdom to those in the class. The class is three hours long. Apparently Elli did very well...she was the only girl in the class of 20 or so. I am so proud of Greg...Elli just loves him to pieces so I'm sure he had some good advice. (Side note: Greg picked out Elli's outfit so she wore her 'I LOVE DADDY' shirt.) we come! We tried cereal this afternoon for the first time. Elli made some hilarious faces. It was too funny. She maybe ate 1/4 to 1/2 of a teaspoon. We are going to try again tomorrow.

Greg also put together the ExerSaucer (thank you Wodicka''s the coolest!!!). Elli got in it and loved it!! She found the mirror and just sat there smiling and talking to herself. It was priceless. There are moments like those that make me so grateful to be a mom...and specifically, to be Elli's mom. She's so much fun.

Here are some other pictures of what we've been up to.

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Elli's a BANANA
This was at our church's Harvest Party on Halloween. The little boy below is one of the candidates for Elli's future husband! :)
Elli and I both have on our Bears shirts and brown yoga pants before the Bears game! :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Our Sweet Pea

Then we went to my grandparents to show off our costumes...again, so much fun. Grace was a beautiful princess and Owen was a knight in shining armor. Aren't they so cute!?!? I call Elli 'sweet pea' all the time so when I saw this costume I just had to get it!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
So Big!
She's holding her own bottle now. Here's the proof:
She likes sitting in her Bumbo seat...well, actually...she likes chewing on her Bumbo seat.
We were celebrating after the Bears victory today! This is her first ride on daddy's shoulders. She thought it was pretty fun when Greg bounced up and down with her.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Go Bears!

I love when Elli gets to spend time with the Nicholsons. She doesn't see them as often as she does her other grandparents (I'd hate to think how many miles my parents have put on their car these last months), so it's fun to get pictures when we are all together. I have the cutest nieces and nephew for sure!! I think Addie's going to be a cheerleader...check out that pose! We all had our Bears gear on (we won't even talk about the one second loss...devastating) on Sunday for Papaw's birthday!

Neon Badge of Courage
Friday, October 10, 2008
Long and Skinny!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Week One...SUCCESS!
Elli is such a big girl. She is rolling all over the place and moving all around. She's always been a terrific sleeper and continues to sleep through the night. We are starting to put her to bed earlier which makes me a little sad - a little less time with her in the evening but she is so tired by 9:00 now. Elli doesn't talk too much...unless she's talking to her daddy. For whatever reason Elli loves to talk back to Greg and he just cracks her up. She giggles and laughs when he uses his funny voices and tickles her. I've studied Greg and tried to copy him but don't have the same effect...apparently I'm just not nearly as funny. Elli's also grabbing and pulling things (e.g. my hair). She's really starting to control her arms and hands now.
I don't have any new pictures - I need to do better about this - I just wanted to thank you all for thinking about Greg, Elli and I. We had an amazing and very blessed week...and now Elli and I get to spend all day together tomorrow since I have Fridays off. I've been counting down for tomorrow all week and it came so quick.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Summer of Us...
As I figured, I am also feeling sad...almost 'bittersweet'. I'm excited to get back into the swing of things at work - I have a job that is satisfying and work with people who constantly make me laugh, so my sadness isn't about going back to work. I think it's more about missing out on what I've so enjoyed these last few months - I haven't missed anything when it comes to Elli. Pretty much every cry, every coo, every laugh, every everything I've been there for. When Elli was waking up from her first nap yesterday I went into the nursery to get her because she was fussing a bit. As soon as she saw me she scrunched up her eyes, laughed really loud and gave me the biggest smile. I am sad that I might miss some of those belly laughs. I have to remind myself often that I am lucky enough to have Friday's off and that it's my day to spoil and love on Elli...and that I am going to be a better mom and wife for working (I've learned that as much as I've enjoyed being home the reality is that I am not stay-at-home mom material). I am so lucky that two people who I adore more than anything are going to be loving on Elli in my absence. Our babysitters - Ehrin and Kelly - are terrific moms and amazing people. I feel so blessed that the schedule and timing is going to work out...definitely a God thing.
My other range of emotions include guilt, excitement, and about fifty other things that are hard to put into words. I am lucky that I have a lot of working mothers to look up to...both at work and in my personal life.
This has been the best summer of my life. I love being a mommy. I love that God blessed me with the child He did - Elli - who is such a good and sweet baby. More than anything I would say that this has been the summer of us...and such a blessed summer it was.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Nicholson Friday Family Fun

As I was cooking dinner last night I glanced out the window to see what Greg and Elli were doing and saw them on the hammock. I think both of them were pretty near a nap. When I saw them together my heart gave me love pangs (an articulate way of saying that I got overwhelmed with love). I'm the luckiest girl in the world...being a mom is the most amazing thing and having Elli has made me love Greg even more, which I wasn't sure was possible.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Babies, babies everywhere...
We had pictures taken at our church for the directory on Sunday afternoon, so we snapped a few pictures of Elli in her robe as we were getting her ready.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Elli's 3 Month Pictures
If you are interested in seeing the pictures I'm hoping you'll be able to log-in using the following information...
To get started, click below and enter your Customer Name (Carrie Nicholson): or go to and enter the following:Customer Name: Carrie Nicholson
Access Code: LTPP0567102541JCP
You'll note that you have to spell my first name wrong in order to get in to the site. Let me know what you think! I will have the pictures on September 20th so I'll be passing them out in the next couple of weeks!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Weigh-ins and giggles...
I was raising holding Elli up and laughing today and she giggled at me. I kept doing it and she would give me a short laugh each time. She giggled a couple of weeks ago at Mamaw Sally. I loved it.
Here's a picture of Elli during her tummy time yesterday (which she pretty much's only second to when I read to her...unfortunately for her, I'm not going to stop doing either). It's hard to believe that she is going to be three months tomorrow!!