Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Go Bears!

Elli is watching Bears football in the above picture. Something about football...she can't pull her eyes from the screen when it's on. I wish I were kidding.

I love when Elli gets to spend time with the Nicholsons. She doesn't see them as often as she does her other grandparents (I'd hate to think how many miles my parents have put on their car these last months), so it's fun to get pictures when we are all together. I have the cutest nieces and nephew for sure!! I think Addie's going to be a cheerleader...check out that pose! We all had our Bears gear on (we won't even talk about the one second loss...devastating) on Sunday for Papaw's birthday!


Lee Ann said...

I love Addie's kicking ability. You have some great pictures here.

Anonymous said...

These pictures would be even better in Colts blue! (I just couldn't help myself! I had to give you payback, Cari, for your post on our website!) ;-)

mi*chelle said...

I saw these pics by email first from Sally. Too cute!! I love the one of Elli and Addie in the cheerleading outfits. I think they're adorable!

It's fun to see them get bigger and find things like toes. And then sitting up. And standing...before you know it they are in 2nd grade and getting chased by girls (or in your case chased by boys). It's nuts!

Ponz, Lil Ponz, Real Lil Ponz and Baby Ponz said...

Toetouch is next! Who doesn't love cheerleaders? Love the spirit...

hillwamp said...

I never heard of a sock rattle. I guess I am getting old!
Those little cheerleaders sure are special and ohhhhhhh so cute.
I hope her thighs are feeling better after the neon bandaids were removed.
Love ya,
Aunt Pam