Saturday, December 20, 2008

Elli Loves...

Here are a few of Elli's greatest loves:

-FOOD (any and all varieties...she does prefer homemade squash, but overall she loves to eat...make sure you are not in between she and her bottle as she will knock you down!)
-Patterns: carpet, upholstery, clothing, doesn't matter (she loves to look and touch patterns...especially carpet patterns)
-Her DADDY - he's the coolest person in the whole world; as soon as he walks into a room she lights up and starts smiling and laughing (she especially loves his funny voices)
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - especially the theme song and the Hot Diggity Dog dance (I have officially been inducted into the world of parenting as I've has both of these songs in my head for about a month and a half now...over and over and over and over)
-The Itsy Bitsy Spider - she likes to sing along with this one (and usually tries to be louder than whoever is singing it to her); generally all songs are all right with her
-Our Babysitter's Kids: Grace and Chloe
-Standing, kicking, grabbing, chewing, playing airplane, rolling, sitting up - as long as she's moving she's okay
-Her bug blanket - thanks Grandma and Grandpa Mast...she's loved this silky little blanket since she was about a week old
-Football - she does enjoy watching the occasional football game (she also enjoys her Chicago Bear teether...guess which grandparents that came from??)
-Coldplay Lullabies - it's a sure fire way to get her calmed down and to sleep (thanks Uncle Syd!)
-Her Changing Table - we have some of our funniest times on the changing table...I think it's because we are constantly talking and singing to her when we are changing her
-Baths - she seems to like baths but definitely not the being cold afterward part; she's just recently started trying to swallow all of her bath water
-Tags - it's amazing that she can have the funnest toy in her hand and the thing she goes for above all else is the tag; whoever made the 'taggies' toy line must be a gazillionaire

Other fun things we've been up to:

Elli's always been super ticklish but just recently she's really started laughing hard when being tickled. Greg has the touch...she rolls every time. We'll have to get a video of it and post it.

Going to Greg's basketball games. Elli seems to enjoy watching the boys play...until about halftime of the second game at least.

Grace's preschool Christmas concert. Elli was so great during it. She loves to watch other kids...part of the reason why I think she loves Grace and Chloe so much.

Elli's grandparents have come to babysit which is fun for Elli and also nice for Greg and I to get out. We've had a lot to celebrate lately so we've had some nice dinners out.

Greg and Elli had some daddy/daughter time when school was cancelled last week. I'm so grateful that we all three are off until January 5th! We are going to take advantage of this time together...and play a lot of Rock Band (after about two months of trying to validate purchasing this game for our Wii we finally got it...and it is SO much fun...totally worth it!!!!).

I'll try to get some videos and pictures posted soon. I just wanted to post something so that my sister would get off my back about 'being a bad mom' and not updating our blog. Elli is as cool as ever (actually cooler) and we are having so much fun playing and watching her grow. This Christmas already means so much more. I've been reading Twas the Night Before Christmas and The Shepherd's Christmas to Elli on a pretty regular basis. We are trying to share the true meaning of Christmas with her might be a year or two until she gets it though. :)


mi*chelle said...

Great post! The tag thing? Funny - I think all kids love those - and boxes and tissue paper!

I LOVE ROCK BAND!! I'm secretly hoping Santa brings it to us! I love being the drummer! :)

Maya will fall asleep, giggle, laugh, play, etc. on her changing table. She's the first to love hers of our 5 kids. One day, I picked up the pad and moved it to the crib in an attempt to get her to sleep in the crib. It lasted a while, but not as long as I would have liked. She hates her crib.

I leave you with more thought.
"Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog!...."

Those songs never ever EVER leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why we REFUSED to let our kids watch Barney. I couldn't have handled his voice blaring in my head all day and all night.

Amanda said...

It was so good to talk to you the other day, I love reading about Ellie she is so sweet and way too cute! I hope wee can get together some Friday to catch up more, have a very Merry Christmas!!

Teresa Thompson said...

Hi Cari and Greg:
Been long time since I have checked out your blog, She is adorable!!
Will try to arrange visit soon, just cant stay away any longer.
Those eyes and that smile! I can tell she is so animated.
Take care!
Teresa T - Hugs!!