Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our Sweet Pea

We had such a fun weekend. There are a ton of pictures included in this entry because Elli is finally starting to smile when the camera is on (or maybe we are getting better at snapping her smiles). Greg had his Fall Break so he was home on Thursday and Friday. I took a little time off on Thursday so we could go to the pumpkin patch. It looked like one of the last nice days for a while, so we wanted to take advantage of it. Elli was awesome the entire time and she looked so cute in her little pumpkin outfit. Grace wore this pumpkin outfit for her first Halloween.

Lots of smiles! :)

We also spent some fun time with family. Friday night and Saturday morning we spent with the Nicholsons. Elli loved playing with Papaw and Mamaw. Mamaw was even good enough to give Elli her much needed bath.

Then we went to my grandparents to show off our costumes...again, so much fun. Grace was a beautiful princess and Owen was a knight in shining armor. Aren't they so cute!?!? I call Elli 'sweet pea' all the time so when I saw this costume I just had to get it!!

We went to my cousin Kelly's for the second annual Halloween / chili get together. Elli was sweet pea-ed out by the end of the night!! :)

Elli's got such great grandparents! I love to see all of them with her...she loves them so much (and vice versa I do believe)!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

So Big!

Here are a few pictures of Elli. She's getting so big...before long she might actually be wearing 3-6 month clothing! :)

She's holding her own bottle now. Here's the proof:

She likes sitting in her Bumbo seat...well, actually...she likes chewing on her Bumbo seat.

We were celebrating after the Bears victory today! This is her first ride on daddy's shoulders. She thought it was pretty fun when Greg bounced up and down with her.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Go Bears!

Elli is watching Bears football in the above picture. Something about football...she can't pull her eyes from the screen when it's on. I wish I were kidding.

I love when Elli gets to spend time with the Nicholsons. She doesn't see them as often as she does her other grandparents (I'd hate to think how many miles my parents have put on their car these last months), so it's fun to get pictures when we are all together. I have the cutest nieces and nephew for sure!! I think Addie's going to be a cheerleader...check out that pose! We all had our Bears gear on (we won't even talk about the one second loss...devastating) on Sunday for Papaw's birthday!

Neon Badge of Courage

I took Elli to get her four month shots taken care of this morning. Definitely a necessary evil. It was pretty awful for a while but she's rebounded quickly. Here are her neon badges of courage. :)

Elli has found her feet and boy does she love them! I put her rattle socks on her and she tried for quite some time to stick them in her mouth.
Elli is a daddy's girl through and through! Superwoman!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Long and Skinny!

Week two was another success. Apart from Elli and I catching a cold we all three had a good week. Elli gets even awesome-er every day! :)

She had her four month appointment today and this is what we found out...

*she's a genius

*she's perfect

*she's very advanced for her age

Okay, those were just my findings...not necessarily the doctor's's what the doctor told us:

*she's 95th percentile for height - over 25 inches!!

*she's 5th percentile in weight - no worries about her weight...maybe she just has Greg's metabolism!! YAY!!

*she's right where she should be with advancements - rolling, grabbing, cooing, etc.

*she had a serious growth spurt over the last two months

*no need to rush the solids...she suggested we wait another month due to some recent studies about introducing food and allergies (I'm secretly glad about this because I personally wasn't ready for solids but was going to move forward if the doctor wanted us to)

*she has angelic features...these were the doctor's words exactly!!! :)

Seriously, Elli is so freaking awesome. I am so glad I have Fridays with her. All she's done today is smile, talk, giggle and nap. I can't get enough of her.

She's rolling and moving around even more these days. Ehrin said that she was able to roll from her belly to her back, but I haven't seen her do it yet. So far she just rolls from her back to her belly and then gets ticked off that's she's on her belly. We put the sleep positioner back in her crib because she kept rolling over and waking herself up (and then wakes us up because she's ticked off that she's on her's a vicious cycle). I don't know how she does it, but she's never where we put her down...she's usually at least 180 degrees and a foot away from where she was laying when we put her to bed. She's definitely a mover and a wriggler.

We are going to the pumpkin patch tonight for our family night. The weather is awesome today so I am really looking forward to it. I hope to post lots of pictures soon!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week One...SUCCESS!

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers this week! My first week back at work was much better than I could have hoped. I have such peace of mind that Elli is being loved and cared for in my absence - Kelly and Ehrin were as great as I knew they would be. I received daily hour by hour reports from each of them which I loved! :)

Elli is such a big girl. She is rolling all over the place and moving all around. She's always been a terrific sleeper and continues to sleep through the night. We are starting to put her to bed earlier which makes me a little sad - a little less time with her in the evening but she is so tired by 9:00 now. Elli doesn't talk too much...unless she's talking to her daddy. For whatever reason Elli loves to talk back to Greg and he just cracks her up. She giggles and laughs when he uses his funny voices and tickles her. I've studied Greg and tried to copy him but don't have the same effect...apparently I'm just not nearly as funny. Elli's also grabbing and pulling things (e.g. my hair). She's really starting to control her arms and hands now.

I don't have any new pictures - I need to do better about this - I just wanted to thank you all for thinking about Greg, Elli and I. We had an amazing and very blessed week...and now Elli and I get to spend all day together tomorrow since I have Fridays off. I've been counting down for tomorrow all week and it came so quick.