Sunday, April 19, 2009

We've got a talker...

Elli's new loves this week...kissing her baby dolls (and mommy and daddy when prompted) and talking very loud. The kissing all started when I showed Elli how to kiss our Urlacher bobble head. She must love Urlacher as much as I do because it's one of her favorite things now. I don't know where she gets the loud talking from. :) She also loves to laugh and pretty much thinks she is hilarious. Greg and I were watching a recent episode of The Office and started dying laughing (ok all you Office was when Michael met Dwight outside of the office and said, I hope you aren't wearing a which point, Dwight basically undressed). Elli looked at both of us and started laughing too. Then she kept doing it. She thought it was hilarious (and she thought she was hilarious).

Yesterday we walked the Race for the Cure (just the 1 mile walk) and really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful day. I'm hoping this will be our first of many, many, many Race for the Cures as a family. It's such an inspiring event. It definitely reminded us of how blessed we are to have Grandma Marilyn in our lives!!!

Overall, we've been spending time outside when it is nice and lots of time with friends. We have a busy couple of weeks this next month which makes me grateful that Elli is pretty low key when it's all said and done. She's pretty good about rolling with the flow...we'll see if I'm still saying that in a month after a trip to the Children's Museum, a couple of bridal showers, some birthday dinners (I kind of forgot my birthday was coming up...I am just excited for Elli's), a trip to Michigan to see our good friend's new baby and a weekend without a whole lot of mommy and daddy because of a wedding rehearsal and ceremony (which we are super excited about...not the being without Elli part, but the wedding part!! Beth, we can't wait!!).

1 comment:

hillwamp said...

Wow how cute! She is growing up too fast!