Sunday, January 11, 2009

It All Started in the Panera Bathroom...

Today was a big day for Elli. After church we had lunch at Panera with my mom and dad and Syd and Katie. Mom went into the bathroom to help me change Elli's diaper before leaving and she just started talking up a storm...really talking...she's partial to any and every word with the letter B. Bla, blee, ba, etc. She hasn't stopped talking yet! Yay!

Aunt Sara, who is a pro at the barrette, suggested yesterday that Elli's hair was long enough to try. It's holding on by a hair or two, but it's in! :)

Elli also met her future BFF today. Tegegn came home today! Woo hoo! He's even more precious than the pictures showed. We are so excited that the Ponslers are home safe and sound and their family is plus one with the most adorable little boy!!!

Elli was full of smiles today (until the ride home at least). She liked talking to Aunt Katie! :)

Feedings, diaper changes and all Elli related items were taken care of by Grandpa and Grandma this afternoon. I think she's very loved...and she very much loves them!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Her hair looks so cute with the bow in it. I'm glad it worked!