Thursday, April 23, 2009


We had so much fun playing outside this afternoon. Elli is so curious about everything...especially the mower and the little tree in our front yard. She enjoys playing on the hammock. It's her own personal jungle gym.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We've got a talker...

Elli's new loves this week...kissing her baby dolls (and mommy and daddy when prompted) and talking very loud. The kissing all started when I showed Elli how to kiss our Urlacher bobble head. She must love Urlacher as much as I do because it's one of her favorite things now. I don't know where she gets the loud talking from. :) She also loves to laugh and pretty much thinks she is hilarious. Greg and I were watching a recent episode of The Office and started dying laughing (ok all you Office was when Michael met Dwight outside of the office and said, I hope you aren't wearing a which point, Dwight basically undressed). Elli looked at both of us and started laughing too. Then she kept doing it. She thought it was hilarious (and she thought she was hilarious).

Yesterday we walked the Race for the Cure (just the 1 mile walk) and really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful day. I'm hoping this will be our first of many, many, many Race for the Cures as a family. It's such an inspiring event. It definitely reminded us of how blessed we are to have Grandma Marilyn in our lives!!!

Overall, we've been spending time outside when it is nice and lots of time with friends. We have a busy couple of weeks this next month which makes me grateful that Elli is pretty low key when it's all said and done. She's pretty good about rolling with the flow...we'll see if I'm still saying that in a month after a trip to the Children's Museum, a couple of bridal showers, some birthday dinners (I kind of forgot my birthday was coming up...I am just excited for Elli's), a trip to Michigan to see our good friend's new baby and a weekend without a whole lot of mommy and daddy because of a wedding rehearsal and ceremony (which we are super excited about...not the being without Elli part, but the wedding part!! Beth, we can't wait!!).

Saturday, April 11, 2009

So much to say!

So much has happened since I last posted that this blog could very well end up being a long one. I'm going to try and condense as much as possible and let our pictures do the talking. I'll start with newest news...

Below are pictures from the Easter Egg hunt today at my sister's housing division. Grace was able to get a lot of eggs and Elli and Owen were both very interested post-hunt.

Elli's first apple...thanks for sharing, Grace!

I love being an aunt and because I'm such a nerd I took a picture of Elli, Addie and Owen's FIRST Easter basket from me (and Grace's is in there too). I love having an excuse to spoil them!

My in-laws (a.k.a. Mamaw and Papaw, Aunt Sara and Addie) came to spend time with Elli this week. She obviously had a great time (look at that smile!!) trying to keep up with Addie and eating McDonald's french fries with Papaw! :)

Vegas was awesome. My dad played the part of baby whisperer and helped us to get Elli to nap and sleep at night (which was the only down side of the whole trip...she hated every part about her crib and sleeping). Apart from the sleep issue Elli was really great. Syd and Katie are awesome travel buddies and my parents were an amazing help!

    Other Notables:

  • Hanging out with the Geary's. Elli had as much fun as we did and stayed up WAY past her bedtime!

I didn't have the camera in hand fast enough, but at one point Elli was standing up underneath her exersaucer so the leg holes were above her head and all we could see were her legs. It was hilarious.

Elli and I are helping watch our buddy Daniel on Fridays for the next couple weeks. Our first Friday was a success - he is the best baby! It's a good lesson for Elli to learn how to share!

Elli LOVES her daddy's spaghetti. By far her favorite food right now. Not sure how it got on her forehead, but I guess that just adds to the fun of it! :

Elli's pointing, drinking from a straw and I'm pretty sure she said ball when we were in Vegas! :)

Her shirt says "MOST LIKELY TO CHANGE THE WORLD." It's one of my favorites! :)