Elli's BIG TIME now!
Greg gave her the Wii Rock Band drumsticks and she loved the noise they made.
Elli's 9 month appointment was this afternoon. I was looking forward to it to learn her weight...plus, no shots this time! Elli was awesome the entire time we were there. She was super laid back when the doctor came in and then started warming up and talking to the doctor throughout. Elli is doing great. She's right around 50th percentile in everything except (you guessed it) her weight. Elli weighed in at 15 lbs 5 oz. I had flashbacks of last June...going to the scale expecting a certain number when ultimately a smaller number pops up. She's not even on the chart anymore for her current weight, but the doctor wasn't at all concerned (praise God!!). I am amazed at how this girl eats ALL the time!! She's getting such a little belly, but apparently it doesn't effect the number on the scale. She's a banana, right!?!?
A few memories to capture from the week
- Today was the first time that I walked into her room in the morning and she was standing in her crib ready to greet me. It kind of weirded me out as I wasn't expecting to see her smiling face until I peeked into the crib. She absolutely loves to pull herself up and stand. She's also really big on 'standing' on her knees. Elli can stand a second or two on her own but she's still really wobbly.
- Mamaw and Papaw Nicholson came down to spend the day with Elli on Wednesday. It was so thoughtful of them just to take the day off and come. Greg and I really appreciated it, but ultimately it was Elli who had the most fun. When I got home on Wednesday night Elli was talking up a storm, smiling, laughing, crawling and having a ton of fun. It was probably one of the best moods I've ever seen her in. I don't know what they did, but Elli fell asleep during her last feeding and then didn't make another peep until we woke her up the next morning! Usually, she has to settle herself down a bit before she turns in for the night. I think she and Mamaw must have played really hard!!!!! I don't think Elli was spoiled at all through the day. :) Thank you, Mamaw and Papaw, for coming to visit! Elli loves you SO much!!
- Last weekend was Uncle Chris's birthday (happy 30th!!!!!!), so we enjoyed a lot of time with my side of the family. My mom came down on Thursday because I had a dentist appointment on Friday morning and Elli's 9 month appointment was originally scheduled for that day as well. I'll admit it...I'm a super huge wimp when it comes to Elli in any pain, so pre-meditated pain...even the good-for-you-kind (a.k.a. shots/vaccinations) make me super sad. I was thinking that Elli had to get shots at her appointment, but then realized that we are all set until she's a year old. I had recruited my mom to join me since I'm such a wimp. Anyway, Elli's appointment had to be rescheduled so mom, Elli, dad and I had a fun afternoon of shopping. And, boy did we shop! I am such a sucker for baby girl clothes (and SALES!!)! Grandpa Kevin took over the Elli watch and every time I turned around he was giving my mom a new toy to put in her cart that Elli had to have. No, her grandparents don't spoil her at all! :) Saturday we went to eat and shop at Clay Terrace for Chris' birthday and it was such a beautiful day. I can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can take walks and get out more. We are going to Vegas in a couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to the warmer weather. On that note, if anyone has any baby air travel advice/tips I'd love to hear them!! Elli is a total trooper so I'm hoping she doesn't hate the plane ride or the weird time change. Good thing is we'll have a lot of help from some of Elli's favorite people - we are going with Syd, Katie, mom and dad. Below is one of the toys mom got for Elli for her birthday (which is three months away!!). It's her new favorite for sure!
- Quick comment on a pretty recent development. Elli's always liked kids, but lately it's really turning into something. She wants to be with Owen a lot more I've noticed. If someone is holding Owen she wants them to hold her too. On Saturday, if Owen was passed around she wanted to be wherever he was. On Thursday morning when I dropped Elli off at Ehrin's she immediately crawled right to the chair that Ehrin, Grace and Owen were sitting in. Elli's hero is Grace, there's no doubt about it so I was surprised when Ehrin put her in the chair with them that Elli immediately tried to hug on Owen. Owen was not so thrilled - he played the part of the cooler, older boy cousin when Elli was trying to love on him. She's also been doing that during our Bible Study with her new boyfriend, Daniel (who is the cutest little pumpkin ever!!). She is very interested in whoever has him.
- After Elli's appointment today she and I went to return some things and I was stopped by no less than 6 people commenting on what a pretty baby she was, she has such pretty eyes and how good she was being. She likes to be out and about and seems to really like stroller rides so we had a ton of fun. Of course, I was totally soaking in the compliments too. I think she's pretty terrific, but I know I'm a bit biased. I hate to brag about it as you can tell by this website!!!!
- Elli's new love: Gerber Graduates Cheetoh looking puffs (she's eating one in the picture below). She's crazy about them and crunches through them like she has a tooth or two (which she still doesn't). She's also tried the yogurt snacks and loves Cheerios. Today she tried string cheese and was definitely digging that too. No doubt about this girl's appetite...she loves to eat!!
On a separate note, Greg has been really sick with the flu these last couple of days so please keep him in your prayers. I don't remember the last time he felt so miserable.
She is so adorable Cari! I have lots of travel advice, we have taken Taylor a couple of times and getting ready for another trip in 2 weeks! I would feed her on take off and landing, it really helps their ears! LOTS of distractions for her is key too! I could go on and on, let me know if you want some more tips! Just shoot me an email!
She is growing up! Lil drummer girl! Have you tried your pans and a wooden spoon yet?
Love ya all, hugs and kisses
Aunt Pam
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